Manufacturing Consulting Software integration System Implementation Civil Consulting

Helping business owners since 2015!

Consult right tools for your business

We will review your business and consult you the right tools to increase productivity

Connect all software platforms

Integrations that dots in your business

Civil/Structural project management

Providing qualified and experinced engineering and other professional services

IT consultancy

IT consultancy on manufacturing systems

"If you want to build something big, you have to start with a small step!"

Also look at the big picture before start running...!

Since 2015

Find out more about what we do

We help clients finding the right solutions to manage their projects and minimize duplications

Manufacturing Systems Consulting

Helping Manufacturing Business owners to select the best software and process to minimise duplications and improve productivity

Creating Analytical Reports And Dashboards

Creating realtime reports and dashboards using Power BI and Google

Chess Teaching And Training

Over 25 years of Experience in teaching and training Chess. Holding International Chess tournaments